Sunday, December 11, 2016

Eleventh Symbol: Gideon's Pitcher

Eleventh Jesse Tree Symbol: Gideon's clay pitcher
The Israelites enter the promised land, but the next generation stops worshipping God. When enemy armies attack and conquer them, the Israelites turn back to God and cry out. God--in grace--raises up a judges (like Gideon) who leads Israel back to victory. 
Judges 6:11-16, 7:19-23
(or all of 6-8 if you're feeling ambitious)

The story of Gideon is an underdog story. 

In this story we see a man who is so full of doubt of himself that he does not recognize the Spirit of the Lord sitting right in front of him. For someone who battles doubt and anxiety, this story is particularly meaningful. 

In the verses we see the Lord trying to build up Gideon’s courage by calling him a “might warrior” and telling him “Peace, do not be afraid”. But Gideon doesn’t listen to his Lord right away. We go on to learn how Gideon—the weakest of the weakest, the doubting and full of anxiety, the underdog —defeats  a massive army with 300 men. With no real weapons—only clay pots, torches, and trumpets.
This story resonates with me, because I know that I do my best work for the Kingdom when I push back against the voice telling me that I’m not enough, or that I’m not good enough... 
Sometimes the Spirit of the Lord comes right to us in visible ways and gives us reassurance. And sometimes it’s in the small daily moments that happen without fanfare.  I find such peace knowing that if I am doing God’s work, God will equip me and I do not have to rely on my own strength. So I know that God is going to help me fight my battles, whether they are the size of armies, or 9x13.

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