Monday, December 19, 2016

Fourteenth Symbol of the Jesse Tree: David's Crown

Fourteenth Symbol of the Jesse Tree: David's Crown
(In the days after the judges, the people cried out for a king, and God anointed David: a shepherd boy who sang psalms on the harp and--for the most part--led the people into faithfulness.) 

On one hand, David’s place in Jesus’ family tree sets the example for a good king—one after God’s own heart who will lead the people both in worship and lives of kingdom justice. I’m sure Jesus grew up hearing stories of his great-great-great-great ancestor who was a brave warrior and a shepherd (compare 1Kings 34-34 and John 10:11-15). But David was also human. He sinned. And he repented (see his 51st Psalm).

So through the pain of King David, God paints the picture of what true repentance and forgiveness would look like. David sets the scene for Christ, but also reminds us of 
why we need Jesus to be our savior.

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