Monday, December 19, 2016

Fifteenth Symbol: Elijah's Raven

Fifteenth Symbol of the Jesse Tree: Elijah's Raven

(To keep the Israelite kings and people in line with the covenant, God called up prophets to speak truth to the people. Elijah was a healer, a powerful miracle worker who deeply relied on God, and a fiery speaker who fervently called out to God’s people) 

In Jesus’ day, people often compared him to Elijah (Matt 16:13-14)—and, indeed, both were filled by the Holy Spirit and did great things. Both were homeless and spent time in the desert, relying fully on God for provision and daily bread (thus the raven with bread).

Both reminded people of God’s presence in the world and taught us to pray for our daily bread, but Jesus was not merely a prophet who talked about God’s presence. Jesus was God… and still is.   

So when we pray for  Christ to come into our life, it is no small thing. We need the bread of life in order to be spiritually fed.  Weneed God (God’s peace, God’s hope, God’s joy…) in order to be made whole and right and holy. 

· Elijah was willing to go into the desert with nothing. But, by God's grace and a widow's hospitality, his needs were met. Have you ever confused true needs with personal desires? (in other words, do comforts or personal desires ever get in the way of faithful service to God)?
· The widow had very little food, but she shared what she had—and was blessed. How can you use your resources for the blessing and benefit of others? 
· How/when have you experienced ‘raven moments’ (when God provided exactly what you needed)?
· What ‘desert places’ in your life need new life rooted into them now?

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