Thursday, December 8, 2016

Jesse Tree 8: Joseph's Coat

Eighth Symbol of the Jesse Tree:
Joseph’s Coat

Genesis 37:1–4; 18–28 (sold for silver coins--just like Christ)
Genesis 45:4–15 (reunited with the brothers who wronged him)

Joseph, one of Israel’s sons, is a spirited dreamer whose story moves from ‘father’s favorite’ to slave, then prison to Egyptian palace /political leader, He grows from an insensitive lad who thought he had all the answers, to a mature, wise man, who learned to trust God. 

we confess that we do not always understand Your ways.
We are easily discouraged when life takes unexpected turns
and our carefully laid plans and dreams come to nothing.
We confess that we are quick to give up when things get
difficult, and quick to question Your presence and Your power.

Forgive us.
Grant us patience to wait for Your good timing.
Open our eyes to recognize Your leading in our lives—
to listen for Your gentle whisper when we least expect it.
And then give us courage to step out in faith and obedience,
trusting in Your leading even when we cannot see the outcome.

We are waiting in this season of Advent,
Root our lives in You

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